Sunday, October 18, 2009


Sinusitis is when your sinuses become inflamed or infected. Acute sinusitis usually starts out with a common cold. Common colds can inflame the sinuses. If the symptoms do not go away after a few weeks the inflammation caused by the cold may result in swelling of the lining of the sinuses. Trapped mucous in the sinuses becomes ideal conditions for bacteria to grow. In chronic sinusitis the membranes are always thickened because the are constantly inflamed. Most people with chronic sinusitis also have asthma and allergies. Also, people with deviated septum may also develop chronic sinusitis. Symptoms may include headaches, jaw and tooth aches, facial swelling, stuffed up nose, ear aches, cough, and sore throat. CT scans are utilized to diagnose sinusitis based on fluid and air levels seen. Treatment for sinusitis may include antibiotics, nasal steroid spray, and pain relievers. When medicine does not work patients may have surgery. The surgeon will reduce the the blockage of the nasal passages and improve sinus drainage.

1 comment:

  1. Sinus infections (especially chronic ones) are no fun at all and can definitely lead to other issues (not to mention pretty much take over your life).
    Dealing w/ chronic sinusitis is another story. Sinus surgery has long been the only option when all else fails. However there are now some other ways to turn. Balloon sinuplasty is gaining traction – lots of info out there.
    Anyway. Knowledge is power – do your homework and talk to your doctor. Find the solution that fits your condition best.
    Take care.
