Sunday, October 4, 2009


Prolactinomas produce an excessive amount of the hormone prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland which aids in breast milk production. Some of the symptoms for women may include the production of breast milk without giving birth, irregular or loss of menstrual cycle, and decrease in libido. Men's symptoms may include gynecomastia. With large pituitary adenomas also called macroadenomas symptoms may also include headache, vision impairment, and pituitary failure. A MRI with thinner slices though the pituitary gland can adequately diagnose prolactinomas. Treatment plans for patients with small prolactinomas include medication to regulate prolactin levels. With medication the prolactinoma may be reduced in size. When medication is not affective, surgery is considered. These adenomas may be removed by transphenoidal surgery. Radiation is also an option for treatment. Prognosis for patients with smaller prolactinomas is great. Larger adenomas need aggressive treatment otherwise they may continue to grow. Follow up pituitary MRI scans are also recommended.

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