Sunday, December 6, 2009

Schmorl's Nodes

I chose Schmorl's nodes since I do MRI and have clinically seen this pathology. Schmorl's nodes are believed to be associated with trauma but a possible congenital origin of a vertebrae end plate defect can not be ruled out. A Schmorl's node is a herniation to the nucleus pulposus of the intravertebral disk through the vertebral end plate. Most patients present with back pain and usually at the thoracolumbar junction. Most patients seem to be able to recall a time when they experienced trauma or a twinge of pain in their back during some type of movement. The injury may have occurred during a sport, exercising, or even moving something while twisting their back. Some Schmorl's nodes may show up on radiographs, but CT and MRI of the spine are the modality of choice. Once diagnosed, patients may be told to take an anti-inflammatory and told to stay away from strenuous activity. Rest will aid in the repair of the disk. Traction and newer developments of non surgical spinal decompression may also be utilized. Prognosis for most patients is very good. Patients may become for susceptible to this same type of pathology in the future.

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